Seeing Future Weather Through the Lens of Climate Justice

Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Met Éireann, Mary Robinson delivered a speech ‘Seeing Future Weather through the lens of Climate Justice’  at Future Weather Future Challenges Symposium where she explained how the lens of climate justice brings what can be an abstract or abstruse phenomenon into sharp and immediate focus and illuminates the real human face of suffering and devastation brought about by climate change.

Addressing the audience Mary Robinson called on meteorologists to utilise their expertise to help those living on the front lines of climate change saying “Your expertise in understanding, not just how our climate system is evolving, but also in assisting with developing community resilience in the face of climate impacts, will help to save the lives and livelihoods of those worst affected.”

Met Éireann’s symposium aims to raise awareness of the need for society to understand better the relationship between changes in climate and the changing characteristics of our weather. Improved understanding is necessary to underpin better societal adaptation and preparedness, to ensure that Ireland is weather and climate prepared and to help Irish society be ready for and responsive to weather and climate risks.

Related Links

Mary Robinson’s Speech at 80th Anniversary of Met Éireann

Met Éireann’s Symposium Future Weather Future Challenges