Mary Robinson: transformational leadership required for climate justice

Mary Robinson highlighted the importance of transformational leadership at an event as part of her presence in Warsaw, Poland for COP19

As part of the Foundation’s schedule at the annual climate negotiations, Mary Robinson attended ‘Climate and Development Days’ on Saturday, 16th November, with the event jointly facilitated by the Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre and the Global Environment Facility.

She told the assembled audience of the need to mobilise the political will for an urgent, ambitious and equitable climate agreement, but that doing this in 2015 – the deadline for an international deal – would be too late. 2014 should be the time for such mobilisation.

Mrs Robinson highlighted the Leaders’ Summit, convened by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and to take place in September 2014, as of high importance in creating an atmosphere where the need for a robust, fair and truly effective climate agreement can be realised.

“If we don’t get the signals out there in time, then we probably won’t get the deal we need,” she added.

Mrs Robinson was joined in the panel session by Dr Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development, and Rawleston Moore, Senior Climate Change Specialist at the Global Environment Facility.

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Foundation’s Activities at COP19