Mary Robinson’s TEDTalk on Climate Justice

Why Climate Change is a Threat to Human Rights

In the talk, Mary Robinson, President, Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice, reminds us that climate change is the greatest human rights challenge of our time and that it is crucial for all of us to work together to put the world on a low-carbon pathway to a fairer and sustainable future.

The TEDtalk on climate justice was held as part of the TEDWomen Conference 2015, which took place in Monterey, CA, USA.

A full transcript of the talk as well as some additional resources are available here.

Related Links

Watch the TED Talk “Why Climate Change is a Threat to Human Rights?

Find out more about Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty – The Climate Justice Way

Read Prof Ravi Kanbut’s Essay on “Education for Climate Justice”

Read Joy Hyvarinen’s essay: “Respect and Protect Human Rights: Lessons from Transitional Justice”

Some other inspiring talks:

Watch Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner’s statement and poem at the Climate Summit 2014 

Watch the Weather Channel’ “Climate 25”, a series of interviews on climate change with Constance Okollett and Ursula Rakova